Single Figure or the Set, Chicken Wire Ghost is the Best Deal for Halloween
Favorite Part of Halloween Yard Decoration
Speaking of the yard decoration, we have to mention chicken wire ghost as one of the favorite pieces that attract the attention of the neighbors or accidental passersby. Halloween is the holiday that has affected a lot the popularity of home-made décor. There is hardly something scarier and more attractive at the same time than it is chicken wire ghost. It is mostly a human-size sculpture made of one of the most flexible materials. Chicken wire is extremely easy to shape into any kind of figures. Ghostly figures can be free-standing, they can hang from the trees or they can be held by black garden stakes. Whether they are standing on their own or flying above the lawn, they will certainly leave trick-or-treaters speechless. Combined with other effects, such are color, breeze or lights, they transform porch or yard into a spooky playground. Before you start to include additional effects, you have to create desired shapes. Since the process does not require too much of your time and effort, dare to make a set of figures that can tell the whole spooky story in front of your door. The necessary tools include what you already have in the garage or in the basement. Wire cutters, scissors, and work gloves for your protection are something you use very often. On the other side, the quantity of material depends on the type of the figures you want to create.

Human-size Full Figures or Torsos
Chicken wire ghost of human size is what most people decide to place on the lawn, porch or along the doorway. However, half figures (torsos) promise more fear, especially if hanged on the trees. Think about what kinds of figures will the best suit your project. Some ghosts are beheaded while the others do not have legs. To shape the head, you can use mannequin head or a simple human head-sized ball. Provide enough chicken wire on time so once you start creating figures you will not have to stop working and go for supply. Besides 1-inch and 2-inch cells chicken wire, you will need a simple thin wire too. Since different parts have been created separately, a thin wire is the best way to connect them and form the final figure. It is almost invisible, and it fits chicken wire. 1-inch cell chicken wire is mostly used for the outer cylinders while the 2-inch cells chicken wire is more convenient for inner cylinder. Chicken wire texture is available in different options. In any case, it is a semi-transparent fabric that offers you an excellent opportunity to experiment with light or with placing sculptures one behind the other. A lot of people like to cover figures with cheesecloth. The structures are solid enough to wear a ‘dress’ that will move on the breeze. Usually, the cheesecloth is longer than arms so it creates the spontaneous ghostly effect.

Proportions Does Matter, Provide Enough Chicken Wire
Even if your choice is to create chicken wire dress, you will need to think of proportions and to build a solid structure first. Weather is sometimes unpredictable, and do not let the heavy wind overthrow your effort. For the half-figures, the torso has been built of two pieces. 2-inch chicken wire represents inner cylinder of the chicken wire ghost, and an outer cylinder of 1-inch chicken wire provides a ghost extra stability. A waistline can you achieve by simple squeezing. Hold the two cylinders together by applying the thin wire. You can use it also to attach arms or legs that can be either made of one or two cylinders. The thin wire holds pieces fast and keeps them in the bent position. Just be careful about putting arms and legs in the natural posture. In this way, you will gain realistic shape and the illusion of movement. Most mistakes have been made if you cut an inadequate piece of the fabric for your human-size chicken wire ghost. Before you start creating your yard haunt, be sure that you have provided enough chicken wire. Be also careful by cutting. It is better to work with the larger piece since you can use wire cutters at any time or you can simply bend the sharp edges inside. If the piece is not large enough, you will have difficulties to shape the desired form or you will be forced to add some extra pieces and connect them with the thin wire. This is certainly not a solution.

Final Arrangement with Cheesecloth and Light
Chicken wire ghost has been created, and you can proceed to the final arrangement. The possibilities are almost endless. If you have applied the thin wire to hold the elbow in the bent position, your ghost can hold the lantern. The reflections will give the ghost a vibrant look and almost realistic appearance. It is a creative way how you can lighten your yard for Halloween. Beware that the hot lights can ignite the cheesecloth or damage the wire. Keep hot lights on the appropriate distance. Legs or the skirt of the ghost dress are stable, and the figure has no chance to fall over. Cheesecloth can be applied in one or several layers, and it can be longer than arms or legs. In that, case, it will move freely on the breeze. There is hardly some effect that is spookier than this hanging and moving cheesecloth. You can also cut the ends of the cloth to add to the worn look. Smaller figures and torsos intended to hang from the trees can be attached with fishing string or they can be supported by garden stakes. Black garden stakes are almost invisible in the night. Chicken wire ghost only will welcome trick-or-treaters. Transparent forms are attractive, especially if placed near the source of light. Ghostly figures can be also covered with glow in the dark paint. After the holiday, the figures can be put off into the garage. Standing figures can remain in the yard and serve as an attractive support for wild roses or other kinds of vertically growing flowers.